When it comes to horses, there is no other animal that needs as much space and companionship as it needs than them. For hundreds of years, they have been our loyal partners (aside from dogs, of course), and have helped us in our travels before the age of trains and cars arrived. Having these badges of honor and loyalty should surely mean they are deserving of a nice and relaxing pen and stable to call their own, no? For many farmers and ranchers, this seems to be the case when they start establishing their pens, and more specifically, the round pens.
However, when it comes to the pens for the horses to be placed in, the round pen is one that is mostly recommended towards the younger horses and even other variants like mules and donkeys because of how small their statures are. Sometimes, depending on the rancher/farmer, the round pen can be used for the older horses who have since retired their days of traveling.
Keeping this idea in mind, it is important to understand how much of a space and comfort you need to provide to your horse. That way, they are safe and sound from possible dangers and can roam free whenever they can so that they stay active and, most importantly, happy and healthy for many years to come.

Understanding The Reasons Behind Using A Round Pen
As much as we think that simply a round pen is for design purposes, the reality is that round pens don’t sure the purpose of letting the horse roam free and be taken care of.
Sure, that is what most pens do for them, but in the case of a round pen, they are built for training purposes. This is because of how small they are compared to other pen sizes, thus limiting the number of horses roaming around the pen. This also helps with the organization in the barns or ranches and, more importantly, helps to keep the horses settled as well.
That being said, here are a few short reasons listed that are the reasons behind the round pen:
- Establishing a training ground for younger horses
- Separates the younger horses for the older horses
- Allows a smaller space for retired old horses
- Used for tourist purposes
Established Training Grounds For The Young Horses
Round pens are small pens compared to the other pens used for horses, and thus, helps to be a perfect training place for the younger horses. Since younger horses are more energetic and less well mannered because of their ever-growing development, the ranchers and farmers of the barn make sure to provide this space solely for that purpose. It helps to keep them on their toes and train the horse with ease because of how confined space is.
It is important to understand that since these younger horses are not only young and energetic, they can also be quite fearful of the enclosure. This can pose problems when training younger horses.
Naturally, horses do not enjoy being in enclosed spaces, so for the younger horses to be in one for their first time can frighten them and have them run away. That is why many ranchers and farmers will make sure to use a lead to guide them safely to the entrance of the pen and calm them down as they enter.
Therefore, an important thing to establish when installing the round pen for these horses is to give enough space for them to roam free while also making sure there is enough enclosure for training.
Separating The Younger Horses With The Older Ones
This helps out in terms of organization as not all-round pens are meant to be training grounds for the horses. Pens are meant to be a safe space for the horses to roam free and be themselves while also being safe from running off into the wild. It is simply there for them to run around and exercise.
With this in mind, since the younger horses are much more excitable, they possess more energy than the older horses. Thus, as a way to help both the younger and the older horses, farmers and ranchers make sure to provide a smaller but still good enough space for the younger horses to roam free on, allowing the older horses to relax and still have their free space as well.
In a way, think of it like how there is always a kid’s table during family gatherings. It helps to organize both the adults and the children that are in the event and allows for more space to be evenly distributed among the two.

Allows For A Safer Space For Retired Horses To Roam In
Much like how we have retirement homes for the elderly, round pens act the same for the older horses. Since their time to shine are now over and need a place to still relax and be comfy, round pens do that job quite well for them. This is all because of how small the area is, and considering how small the pen is; it does wonders for the horses as they don’t need much room to roam around in.
Additionally, it helps to organize the barn or ranch nicely, as mentioned above. When a horse gets older, they tend to be less active over time. This can pose a problem if the horses still roam around in their original pen while other more active horses roam. Therefore, the horses have their personal space to relax. It helps keep their morale high and can bring some close companionships to other retired horses, building a community as well.
A Small & Safe Place For Tourists To Enter
There are many ranches and barns that also serve as small tourist attractions in their hometowns. With people, especially from the city, often finding themselves out on the road with their family for summer vacations, who wouldn’t want to see how a barn or ranch works in real life?
With that in mind, the ranchers and farmers make sure to organize the pens for each animal, respectively, in a way for these sweet tourists as away for them to appreciate and enjoy the ranch and barn life. It also helps them to ensure the tourists stay clear of the animals that normally aren’t comfortable with large amounts of people.
This is where the round pens come into play as many of these younger horses are eager to see what the fuzz is all about and, thus, provide a nice atmosphere for the parents and their children to be a part of. And if they ever visit the older horses, then some safety precautions are required for the safety of both the tourist and of the horse. This is all so that the horses don’t feel threatened as well.
Always Remember The Safety Of Others & Your Horses
At the end of the day, the round pens serve one major purpose, and that is safety.
It helps to prevent the horses from running into the wild and have roam free as well as a place for possible tourists to come by and enter the pen so that they can interact with the horses. It is all for the sake of safety, so it is important to understand above all else when it comes to installing your round pen.
That way, your horses are roaming with as much space as they need and are staying happy, healthy, and active as they should. Quite a treat for one of the most loyal animals on the planet!.